Some parameters of these gpus are as follows:
model memory cores price ($)
Geforce Titan 6G 2688 600~800 (amazon)
Geforce TitanX 12G 3072 1100 (@Xi,amazon)
Tesla K20 5G 2496 1800 (amazon)
Tesla K40 12G 2880 3000 (amazon)
Tesla K80 24G 4992 4000+ (amazon)
After plugging the GPU onto the motherborad, always choose the right driver for it:
After installing the driver, install the cuda toolkit,
Sometimes, you may want an additional cudnn package for convolutional neural network. Download cudnn library, unpack and copy its files to appropriate directories.
sudo cp dir_of_cudnn/lib* /usr/local/cuda/lib64
sudo cp dir_of_cudnn/cudnn.h /usr/local/cuda/include
Detailed guidance of other hardware can be found at